About the project
The Blackbutt Dam is located within Blackbutt Reserve, north of Wattle Road.
Dams in NSW are independently regulated by Dams Safety NSW which provides compliance requirements and guidelines for dam owners. To ensure that Blackbutt Dam is maintained to met these requirements, Council will undertake modifications that will improve the safety of the Dam.
Council previously appointed contractors to develop a design including Review of Environmental Factors. The proposed works will result with a similar looking dam and habitat, but at a smaller scale.
Blackbutt Dam
What work will be included?
Council has appointed a contractor to carry out the work, this will include:
- Lowering the water level in the dam
- Remove and stockpile topsoil from the dam embankment
- Lower and reconstruct the embankment
- Reconstruct a new spillway
- Place reinforced turf to the embankment
- Site restoration including replanting selected areas around the dam
How are environmental factors considered?
Eco Logical Australia Pty Ltd (ELA) was engaged by J. Wyndham Prince on behalf of Council to prepare a Review of Environmental Factors for this project.
This review includes consideration of the camp of Grey Headed Flying Fox a vulnerable species, which rely upon this water source.
A Review of Environmental Factors (REF) is an environmental assessment used to determine whether an activity should be approved by taking into account all matters that affect or may affect the environment.
The REF for Blackbutt Dam modifications found that such a change is unlikely to significantly impact the environmental values of the dam, including threatened species listed under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 and the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999.
When will work commence?
Work is due to commence in mid-September and is anticipated that construction will be completed in December (weather permitting).
Work will be carried out between 7am and 5pm Monday to Friday.
Can I access Blackbutt Reserve during construction period?
The majority of the reserve will reopen to visitors, however, the area surrounding the Blackbutt Dam will be restricted during construction.
There will be some construction traffic and noise, we are working with the contractor to have minimal disruption to residents.