Customer Survey

Thank you for sharing your feedback on the development application process. This information will be used to review and refine the application process and practices. We are committed to improving your experience and strengthening our practices.

Lodgement phase

Q1. What best describes the development that was recently determined? Tick one only Required
Q2. When lodging your application, please indicate what best describes your experience (multiple answers are possible).
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Q3. Did you utilise the pre-lodgement service?
If yes, describe how the service contributed to the submission of your application.

Assessment and determination phase

Q4. Please tick what best describes your experience.
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
I am happy with the level of communication
Enquiries were responded to in a timely manner
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Q5. Please tick what best describes your experience
Strongly agree
Strongly disagree
I would have preferred to hear from the Development Assessment Officer (DAO) sooner, even if it was just letting me know the DA has been allocated to an officer
The DAO contacted me in a timely manner
I would have preferred a full and complete assessment to be finalised with a clear understanding of the outstanding matters rather than having multiple requests for information (i.e. drip feed)
I would have preferred a more detailed technical preliminary assessment was made at the counter rather than waiting weeks after the DA was lodged
I was happy with the assessment process
The determination took longer than expected
I would like to understand the assessment process in more detail generally

Future approach

Q6. Council is working towards an efficient, paperless e-Services portal. Would you utilise services such as:
DA Tracking online
Online lodgement/submission
E-communication (emails)
E-determinations (paperless)
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The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.