Draft Community Gardening Policy & Guide
Community gardens are areas of allocated space on Council-owned community land, which operate for the primary purposes of growing fresh food and promoting food security through educational, social, cultural and environmental activities.
Council’s Community Gardens Strategy provides a framework for establishing and expanding the network of community gardens in our area. The development of the community gardens Policy and Guide are identified within Council’s Community Gardens Strategy. View the draft documents now:
ThNKS FOR YOUR FEEDBACK ON THIS PROJECT! Feedback closeD 4pm 7 July 2023.
Frequently Asked Questions
There are many types of community garden models, such as:
- Communal gardens: The garden is managed collectively, with members all participating in decision making and garden maintenance. The group meets on harvesting days and shares produce.
- Allotment gardens: Garden users have their own garden bed for growing and maintaining personal crops. Harvest is not usually shared between members of the garden group, but with those within the allotment garden bed.
- Combination or shared gardens: In these gardens, members share knowledge and harvest with other members and the wider community. Allotment gardens may be present, but communal (or shared) areas exist too.
The need for a formal approach has been identified in our open space strategic planning document (Open Space Recreation Strategy). This is also supported by a growing number of requests by customers and community.
The Strategy provides a framework for establishing and expanding the network of community gardens in our area. Meaning it identifies roles, responsibilities and information for Council, Community & Customers to do this
Once adopted, the Community Gardening Policy will establish a policy position for community gardens in the open space network.
The Guide has been developed considering feedback received during the exhibition of the Strategy. It aims to assist groups to identify sites as well as undertake planning and organisational activities.
Adoption of the Community Gardens Guide will inform and support local community to provide quality community garden recreation spaces within the Local Government Area.
Once adopted, the Guide will be uploaded to the community gardens webpage as a resource available to everyone.
Access to public open spaces plays an essential and valued part in making community life great. All community members in Shellharbour should have the opportunity to access our open spaces. It is therefore important to try and maximise community access to all community land and open spaces, including parks, play spaces, reserves and community gardens.
The exhibition period provides opportunities for stakeholders and community members to share feedback on the draft documents. Your feedback can be shared below, or by providing a written submission, in the form of an email or letter to Council. All submissions received during the notification period will be considered.
Feedback may result in changes to the draft documents, and a further report to Council may be required before the draft documents are adopted.
Tell us what you think
Previous Feedback
We are seeking your feedback
Council is currently preparing a Community Gardens Strategy, which will provide a strategic focus for establishing and expanding the Community Gardens network across Shellharbour City.
We hope to encourage residents of all ages and abilities to enjoy local open spaces through the provision of space for features such as community gardens, which were identified as an ongoing demand in the Shellharbour Open Space and Recreation Needs Study. The Strategy includes Action 1.10 Develop a Shellharbour Community Gardens Strategy designed to encourage all-age access and use of specified open spaces
In order to inform the Community Gardens Strategy, please provide your feedback on the following questions: