The Plans of Management (PoM) you can read about on this page are all about how Council generally manages community land. We prepare Plans of management to uphold our requirements under NSW Local Government Act 1993 (the Act). The plans, once adopted, will be available for the community to read and use.
It is important for you to know that the PoM is intentionally high level, it is a legislative requirement for Councils to prepare these documents and we want you to be able to read and see them before they are adopted. These PoM's assist Council to manage large amounts of community land with similar characteristics.
We received feedback on two of the latest draft generic plans, for land categorised as 'general community use' and land categorised as 'natural area - bushland' in June 2022. Which were endorsed by Council for public exhibition on April 26. You can find out more about these Draft PoM's by clicking on them below.
These draft PoMs do not include development proposals, changes to current uses, or changes to general maintenance schedules of the reserve. Mowing, maintenance or upgrades schedules are determined by operational staff.
These draft PoMs outline how the reserve and its features will generally be managed and maintained.
A Plan of Management is prepared over Council owned and managed land that is classified as Community land and is written by council in consultation with the community. A Plan of Management:
- identifies the important features of the land and categorises the land (eg natural significance, sportsground, park)
- clarifies how council will manage the land, and
- indicates how the land may be used or developed (eg leases, licences and short term uses).
Apart from the benefits of properly managing community land, there are legal requirements under the Act that requires Councils to prepare plans of management over all community land.
Plans of management cannot override regulations or Acts. Council must comply with all relevant laws that apply to the use of the community land, in addition to the plan of management. For example, this includes other parts of the Local Government Act, the Biodiversity Conservation Act, and the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act.
Plans of management:
- cannot override replace, or stand in the place of planning instruments such as LEPs,
- are separate to LEPs, they have different functions and are made under different Acts,
- should be consistent with the LEP; and
- will further detail the particular uses of the piece of community land, consistent
- with the permissible uses for that land under the LEP.
The preparation of the draft generic plan does not limit or impact current uses on any of the sites. The guidance in the individual plans of management that relate to management and use, including current and future development of the sites have been transferred into the generic plan.
The Generic Plan of Management for Park land does not determine the maintenance and mowing schedules for parks. This is determined operationally by staff from within the Parks Team.
The generic plan of management applies the required information at the front of the document and then addresses each of the separate individual parcels of community land in a Schedule of Land.
Community Land Categorised General Community Use
Community Land Categorised as Park
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