Development proposals

Council has received an application for the proposed development’s below.

View current development proposals on eServices.

If you consider that you may be affected by the proposal, you can make a written submission. If you object to the proposed development, you’ll need to explain the grounds of the objection in your submission.

For your information under the Government Information (Public Access) Act 2009 we are required to publicly release any correspondence or information we have on this matter. If you choose to make a submission, it may be viewed as part of the information contained with the DA, which means your personal information may not be confidential. It will not however be displayed on Council’s website.

Any written submission must indicate whether or not a ‘reportable political donation’ or ‘gift’ has been made in the past two years to a Councillor or Council employee. If yes, the submission must be accompanied by a Political Donations and Gifts Disclosure Statement. Political Donations and Gifts Disclosure Statement forms will be kept in a public register held at Council’s Administration Building and will also be available on our website.

The relevant form and explanatory information can be obtained from Council’s Civic Centre or Council’s website.

Written submissions must be received by Council no later than 4.30pm of the day the exhibition period concludes. Correspondence can be made by emailing, faxing or by mail.

Development Consents

Notice is hereby given in accordance with the Environmental Planning & Assessment Act, 1979, as amended, of the following approvals granted by Council. The development consents are available for public inspection, free of charge, during ordinary office hours at Council’s Civic Centre, 76 Cygnet Avenue (Cnr Cygnet & College Avenue), Shellharbour City Centre.

View development consents.

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Contact Information
Phone (02) 4221 6111