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We are seeking feedback on our draft Delivery Program 2022-2026 and Operational Plan 2024-2025. You can make a submission online by completing the submission form below.

The four-year Delivery Program and 12-month Operational Plan, also known as the 'D-POP', is Council's guiding document. It involves input from the community, councillors and staff. It looks at priorities in the Community Strategic Plan and decides which activities will receive resources and funding in the coming financial year.

Our Rates Policy covers how we levy and collect Council rates and charges, which contributes to how we fund our projects.

The Delivery Program 2022-2026 and Operational Plan 2024–2025 has been developed to outline the proposed projects, programs, and activities for 2024/25. It also includes information about rates.

In 2024/25, Council is proposing to deliver $58.9 million in capital works including:

  • $12.9 million on buildings and aquatic facilities
  • $2.2 million on business units (including Shell Cove, Airport, Holiday Park and The Links)
  • $9 million on open spaces (including play, fitness equipment, parkland and sporting facilities)
  • $2.7 million on plant equipment and other assets
  • $28 million on transport (including roads and footpaths)
  • $3.4 million on stormwater management
  • $700,000 on waste management

The Delivery Program is Council’s commitment to the community on what it will deliver during its elected term. It outlines the actions Council will undertake to achieve the long term goals in the Community Strategic Plan.

The NSW Government requires all Councils to produce a Delivery Program and Operational Plan as part of their Integrated Planning and Reporting Framework.

The Operational Plan outlines details of the key services and projects Council will deliver and fund in the 2024/25 Financial Year.

This policy outlines how Council sets and collects rates and charges from residents. It also covers what happens when rates are overdue, how pensioner rebates work, and other general rating matters.

The Integrated Planning and Reporting (IP&R) Framework provides us the opportunity to work directly with you, our community, to develop a long term plan for the LGA. The Framework is a legislative requirement which forms part of the Local Government Act 1993 and is designed so that both community and Council have a clear picture of:

  • Where we want to go
  • How we plan to get there
  • How we will measure our progress

The Framework consists of a suite of documents and plans that all interact with each other, as depicted in the image below:

Our Community Strategic Plan (2022-2032) reflects the community’s vision for the City and sets our direction for the future. It is developed and delivered as a partnership between Council and the community.

All submissions received will be considered and reported to Council in June 2024. If you make a formal submission, you will receive a response from Council.

Approximately half our total incomes comes from rates and charges. We use this money to help fund a whole range of facilities and services in our City, from parks and sportsfields to roads, libraries, health and safety, community events and youth services.

The total amount of rate income that Council collects from rates and charges is capped by the rate peg percentage, determined on an annual basis by the Independent Pricing and Regulatory Tribunal (IPART). How much you pay as an individual depends on the type of land you own.

In Shellharbour City there are three land categories: farmland, residential and business. Your rate category is shown on the front of your rate notice.

All rates are calculated using the land value of the property. The land value is determined by the NSW Valuer General, not by Council. Any questions regarding your land value should be directed to the NSW Valuer General.

If your land has more than one use, for example, if you have a shop with a flat upstairs, your rate is worked out using a formula that takes both uses into account. Once your land value is worked out, it's multiplied by a figure known as the 'rate in the dollar'. If your property is residential, a 'base amount' is also included.

How do we set the rate in the dollar?

The rate in the dollar is calculated by dividing 55% of the total amount collected through residential rates, by the total land value of all residential properties in the Shellharbour LGA. Your share of this is based on the valuation of your property.

The base amount

As well as the rate in the dollar amount, the remaining 45% of our residential rate income comes from a base amount. This charge is the same for all residential properties.