Friendship/Sister City Policy Adopted by Council

Following the public exhibition period of the draft documents, the Friendship/Sister City Policy and Committee Terms of Reference have now been adopted.

The first phase of activating this Policy will be establishing the Committee, this will include Councillors and members of the community. When established the Committee and Council will work together to identify potential Friendship City partnerships. Established Friendship City partnerships can be considered by the Committee and Council to progress to a Sister City partnerhsip.

Developing the Draft Friendship/Sister City Policy

Council considered feedback on the draft Friendship and Sister City Policy. The policy outlined a framework to foster relationships with other communities within Australia and internationally that could result in mutually beneficially outcomes.

The Policy will be facilitated by a Committee, include community and Council members. The Committee will be governed by the Terms of Reference (ToR) which defines the scope, purpose and limitations of the Committee.

Council endorsed this draft policy to be place on public exhibition for 28 days, between 20 May to 17 June 2020. Submissions and feedback on the draft Policy have now closed, thank you to everyone that contributed. Keep an eye on this page to find out when this Policy is reported back to Council.

Our approach

In developing these drafts, we have engaged extensively with our Councillors, relevant internal staff, Sister Cities Australia and other Councils who have been successful in prospering from these kinds of relationships.

We aim to establish a committee that will include members from the community, who will offer guidance in decision making in relation to establishing and maintaining Friendship and City relationships with Council.

About the Policy

The Policy will assist Council in proactively seeking suitable domestic and international friendship relationships in the first instance for a minimum of two years, that are of benefit to the city.

About the Guideline

The Guideline outlines the framework for the establishment of a Friendship City and Sister City, to ensure Council forms relevant, effective and meaningful relationships and agreements that have either economic, social or cultural benefit and are accountable to the Shellharbour City community.

About the Terms of Reference

The ToR is in line with Council’s other external committees and provides a framework for the Friendship and Sister City Committee, whose role will be to guide decisions and make recommendations to Council in relation to establishing and maintaining Friendship and Sister City relationships with Council.

Feedback now closed

We would like to hear your feedback on the draft documents. You can make a formal submission in writting or leave informal feedback from 20 May to 17 June 2020. Feedback and submissions will be considered before being formally adopted by Council.

Informal feedback is when you would like to leave a comment and not supply your details, you will not receive an acknowledgment. You are also encouraged to make a formal submission.
In general, do you support developing civic relationships with other Cities within Australia or International Cities?

Choose any one option

Do you think the Draft Policy addresses the needs of Council and the community?

Choose any option

The survey form is now closed. Thanks for your contributions.