Project completed
About the project
Harrison Park is located junction of Memorial Dr and Minga Ave, Shellharbour City Centre. This project was identified as part of the 2020/21 Capital Works Program.
The project aims to improve the water circulation within the basin and ultimately improve the overall water quality.
Harrison Park Basin
What work will be included?
Council has appointed a contractor to carry out the work, this will include:
- Draining the basin
- Removal of rubbish and weed material
- Installation of a new outlet to allow the basin to be drained by gravity
- Extension of selected inlet pipes including a small amount of tree removal to
- allow for the installation
- Creation of new circulation trenches
- Placement of excavated material to create a new grass mound
When will work commence?
Work is due to commence in mid-August, it is anticipated that construction will be completed in November (weather permitting).
Work will be carried out between 7am and 5pm Monday to Friday.
Can I access Harrison Park during construction period?
There will be machinery and temporary fencing onsite during construction. While we aim to have the majority of the park open to visitors, there will be some parts including the footpath near the basin that will be restricted during construction.