Public exhibition for the Community Facilities Needs Study, Strategy and Action plan ended on 21 October 2021. We listened to your feedback and adopted the needs study, strategy and action plan that have now been adopted.
If you would like to learn more about the published Study, Strategy or Action plan on our website.
Community Facilities
We are working with University of Technology Sydney (UTS) Institute for Public Policy and Governance to develop a Community Facilities Needs Study, Strategy and Action Plan.
These documents are now drafted and on Public Exhibition and we invite you to make a submission. You can do this by clicking on the Let's Chat tab below.
These documents will help Council to plan and manage the future of some of our community facilities including:
- Halls, function and event spaces
- Baby, parent and child centres
- Club houses and amenity rooms
- Youth facilities
- Senior citizen centres
- Community and neighborhood centres
- Arts and cultural centres
The full list with locations can be viewed in the FAQ section of this page.
About the Study and Strategy
About the Study
Draft Community Facilities Needs Study
The Study outlines the feedback gathered through the extensive community and stakeholder engagement. This information has been influential in shaping priorities and recommended actions in the Strategy and associated Action Plan.
The Study provides an overview of the changing demographic profile of the Shellharbour Local Government Area. It also maps current community facilities, policy settings, trends in community facility planning, as well as industry standards and usage patterns.
The Study provides the detail and the evidence that informed the development of the recommended priorities and actions within the Strategy and Action Plan.
About the Strategy
Draft Community Strategy 2021-2031: Activate-Connect-Evolve
The Strategy provides a blueprint for community facilities planning up to 2031. The purpose of the Strategy is to guide how Council will plan, manage and activate current and future community facilities. This is achieved through a planning framework made up of six guiding principles, which will be used to inform decision making at all levels of Council. It is then built around five priorities that outline the key directions Council will focus on over the next ten years.
About the Action Plan
Draft Action Plan 2021-2031: Activate-Connect-Evolve
The Action Plan sets out the key recommended actions under each priority. These actions have been identified based on the community engagement findings and other population and planning trends.
These will be systematically implemented by Council, either as an ongoing action, or based on the following time frames:
- Short term (0-2 years)
- Medium term (2-4 years)
- Long term (5+ years)
We will regularly monitor and check in with stakeholders to keep track of the progress and outcomes.
Lets Chat
Your feedback is important to us
Before making a submission or leaving feedback, please review all of the draft documents.
Public Exhibition
Lets chat about the Draft Community Facilities Needs Study, Strategy and Action Plan.
Before making a submission, we encourage you to read over the Petitions and Submissions Policy and Submissions Procedure. By reading these documents you will familiarise yourself with the submission process and ensure that your submission is valid. Your personal information contained in your submission is collected by Council for the purpose of corresponding with you about your submission. If you make an anonymous submission, Council will be unable to contact you further. A summary of the points made in your submission will be contained in the Council meetings business paper and made public on Council’s website, your personal information will not be displayed. Check the Privacy Statement for further information.
How can I make a submission?
Submissions must be received in writing and addressed to
The Chief Executive Officer
Locked Bag 155
Shellharbour City Centre NSW 2529
or sent by email to:
or complete all sections of the form below. If you do not leave your personal details, any information will be received as informal feedback.
Public Submissions
The Community Facilities Needs Study, Strategy and Action Plan is on Public Exhibition from Wednesday 22 September to 4pm Thursday 21 October, during this time you can make a submission.
Previous feedback
The Community and Stakeholder Engagement Program
Council has a strong commitment to community and stakeholder engagement and participation. The core focus of the engagement activities was to understand current use and attitudes to community facilities and identify areas for improvement and future needs. An extensive range of activities were part of the engagement program, including:
- community surveys in the form of a representative sample telephone survey, an online community survey and an online community facilities hirers and service providers survey
- stakeholder workshops were held with a range of target population groups and stakeholders
- individual interviews and focus groups also took place.
Over 600 local voices contributed to the conversation about how we plan, manage and activate our community facilities over the next 10 years.