The Suburb of Flinders

Flinders is bounded by Pioneer Drive and Glider Avenue in the north; Wattle Road, Corunna Crescent, Tuggerah Circuit and Shellharbour Road in the east; Lindsays Lane in the south; and the railway line in the west.

Flinders is a suburban area with many families residing here and is close to a number of beaches and green open spaces, including bush reserves and landscaped parks. Village Green is a local park in Flinders and is a popular location for visitors and residents. The playground has been recently upgraded with swings, slides, climbing nets and a nature play area.

Flinders Reserve is busy with local sports including Oz Tag, touch football, soccer and rugby league. There is an off-leash dog area and agility park on Whittaker Street and Flinders halfcourt is also popular.


Population of Flinders 7118

Age groups

Age Groups  of Flinders


Employment  of Flinders


Households  of Flinders

Level of Advantage or Disadvantage

Households  of Flinders


Health of Flinders

Crime and Safety

Crime and Safety of Flinders

Diversity, Inclusion and Development

Diversity, inclusion and development of Flinders

* For reference details see attached document