The project is now complete
What's happening at the boat ramp?
The refurbishment of the boat ramp in Shellharbour will be finalised with the decommissioning of the slip way.
This project has been carried out in stages with a series upgrades completed, including:
- Demolition of deteriorated eastern and western ramps
- Construction of new eastern and western ramps
- Slight widening of the western ramp to realign edge
- Installation of fenders to sea wall within the harbor
The improvements provide better accessibility and have extended the life of the ramp for future use by emergency services, commercial and recreational boat users.
This next stage will be the decommissioning of the lower portion of the slipway, which will be replaced with slip resistant concrete that closely matches the levels of the existing boat ramps.
The winch house and the majority of the remaining slipway rails will be retained for further investigation into potential heritage use at site.
When will work commence?
A tender was awarded to Cadifern Civil to complete the slip way decommissioning.
Work will commence late June 2019 and it is anticipated that construction will take 8 weeks to be complete, subject to tidal and weather conditions.
Will the access to the boat ramp be affected?
During the construction the contractor will aim to keep one boat ramp operational, but, there may be times that both ramps are closed for safety reasons.