
What we heard about Age Friendly Action in Shellharbour

18 May 2023

What we did!

From January to May 2023, we engaged with the community to hear what you had to say about Age Friendly action in the city.

Over this time period we:

  • Met and heard from over 1000 people.
  • Attended 38 community groups or activities.
  • Hosted one engagements workshop.
  • Received 204 Let's Chat quick question responses.
  • Received 51 Let's Chat and hard copy survey responses.
  • Emailed 693 people.
  • Reached 4,600 people on social media.
  • Displayed in the newspaper two times.

We did this to reach people over the age of 50 in Shellharbour and ask them if Shellharbour is a great place to live, learn and play. We also asked what can be improved to make it great!

What happens next?

The next steps for this project start with taking the time to dig deep into all the feedback we received. This includes reading your responses, looking for key themes, determining priorities and looking for things Council is responsible for or can influence. We will then create an action plan that includes:

  • Key themes for priorities.
  • Actions Council can take to make our city more age friendly.
  • Partnerships Council can invest in.

Stay tuned by following the Taking Age Friendly Action in Shellharbour page!