About the project:

We want to hear about your experience parking in Shellharbour!

In 2024, we will start developing a city-wide Parking Strategy to set out what parking should look like in Shellharbour's future. We need your feedback to help us make parking more effective, inclusive and accessible across the City.

As our population grows, so does the number of vehicles using our roads. This creates traffic and parking pressures, which we know are already a top concern for many residents.

This Parking Strategy will set out how we meet the needs of our growing population, how we manage Shellharbour's parking infrastructure and how we can encourage more sustainable transport options across the City.

Overlooking Shellharbour City Centre in the foreground with the water in the background

This is one of the busiest times of year in Shellharbour. So we want to know what you like about parking in Shellharbour, and what needs improving? (max 140 characters).

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23 June, 2024

Eastern Ave says:

First thing is to to keep trucks and semi-trailers from parking in residential streets. Never seen it so bad.

10 May, 2024

Nat says:

Tullimbar- limited parking around school and extremely narrow streets and lane ways to offer anything else.

29 April, 2024

Julian says:

Get more cars off the road. More bike lanes and dense mixed use housing with more shopping in the suburbs so people are less reliant on cars

18 April, 2024

CS says:

Non resident's Campervan should not be allowed to be based in a busy street swapping with their car at whim. Vehicle safety is compromised!

12 April, 2024

Sickofmyneighbours says:

Next door has 8 cars they park Infront+across from my house. I cant leave without doing 3point turn. How is this okay? Looks like a junkyard

9 March, 2024

KW says:

limiting larger trucks parking on residential streets more on site parking in unit complexes

29 February, 2024

Josh says:

Myimbarr Fields requires new parking with the development of the new field.

21 February, 2024

Resident says:

We are losing parking availability due to increase of high rise units and residents parking in public spaces.

20 February, 2024

Phil Stephens says:

Shellharbour Pool car park I think there needs to be a disincentive for people to park for longer than 2hrs. In particular camping vans.

10 February, 2024

KMG says:

It gets busy but generally I can find a place to park within walking distance but I'm not sure how people who cannot walk very far would go.

22 January, 2024

Resident says:

Please supply Shell Cove residents with information about parking rules before issuing fines.

22 January, 2024

Helen says:

Because streets are so narrow in Shell Cove residents and visitors should be allowed to park on verge and in driveways

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