What's new at Terry Reserve
Work at Terry Reserve is just about completed.
What is happening at Terry Reserve?
Projects planned for Terry Reserve, Albion Park include:
- training sports field lights for field 4
- car park lighting
- field side seating for field 2, field 4 and field 3
- storage shed
- additional formalised car parking
- tiered seating for field 1
How has this project been developed?
$634,000 of Section 94 Developer Contributions has been allocated to upgrade Terry Reserve. This upgrade will help these facilities cope with increased use as a result of development in the area. Council worked closely with the sporting user groups to scope and prioritise a number of proposed projects. Council and sporting user groups have also proactively sort grant funding.
When will the works commence?
The additional formalised car parking, storage shed and field side seating for field 2 and field 4 have already been completed. The remaining works are expected to be completed by April 2019 (weather pending).
Will the work disrupt field usage or neighbours?
Work is not expected to disrupt the use of the facilities (no works will be taking place on playing fields or canteen/toilets).
Nearby residents may be disrupted by construction noise on occasions, most notably during the construction of timber driven piles to support the tiered seating for field 1.
Following completion, the work should not have any adverse impact on residents (light spill from the car park and field lighting were considered in the design process), and the facilities should have greater capacity to service the community.