Electrical Works FAQs
Early works are activities and works undertaken to prepare for the 'main' construction works.
Council has appointed Ferrycarrig as the contractor to deliver the early works package for Tripoli Way.
These works will take place between February and June 2025 and will include:
- Establishing compound area with offices, fences and signing.
- Surveying the area.
- Potholing with vacuum truck to identify existing utility services.
- Trimming or removing some vegetation if needed for new utilities.
- Trenching and laying conduit in verge and nature strip area.
- Backfilling trenches with sand and topsoil (or temporary cover) at end of each construction day.
- Seeding trench as required after backfilling.
- Topping driveway trenches with temporary cold mix asphalt. [Main works contractor to reinstate driveway]
- Installing electrical pillars (small green box in verge). To be installed at everysecond or third property boundary.
- Removing overhead powerlines and installing underground utilities. Some properties will require an individual power pole.
- Removing redundant cables and power poles from site.
Construction will generally occur between 7:00am and 6:00pm, on weekdays. If work is required outside these hours, affected residents will be notified in advance.
Timeline for preliminary and electrical works:
February 2025: Preliminary Works*
- Compound setup: Fencing, toilets, levelling, gravel.
- Survey set-out: Pegging property boundaries, setting controls.
- Utility investigation: Potholing with vacuum truck, identifying underground services.
March - April 2025: Trenching & Laying Conduits
- Excavation, conduit installation, backfilling, and seeding (temporary
- disruptions to access some properties)
- Estimated trenching:
- Expressway (3 weeks)
- Calderwood Road (3 weeks)
- Tripoli Way (1 month)
- Terry Street (3 weeks)
- Driveway impacts: Temporary backfill to make safe with future repairs.
April - May 2025: Electrical Works
- Road crossings: Traffic control, backfilling.
- Pillars: Installed near property boundaries.
- Private property: Poles installed with coordination with owners and tenants.
- Overhead works: Electrical cabling and temporary power outages.
April - May 2025: Electrical Connections to new Network
- Power outages and service transfers (4 weeks).
- Remove redundant infrastructure; streetlight poles remain until main works.
June 2025: Completion
- Demobilisation and final works complete
* timeline subject to change.
Trenching works are programmed to commence at the western end of the project and progress eastwards. (i.e. trenching would begin on The Expressway).
There may be days when driveway access will be temporarily restricted for some residents as work activities occur outside or near their properties.
Residents will be notified by the contractor ahead of any work that may temporarily affect driveway access to ensure suitable arrangements are in place.
The aim is to maintain access to driveways as much as possible. If temporary restrictions are required, you will be notified in advance, and the contractor team will work with you to minimise disruption.
In case of emergency steel plates can be used to allow over the driveway for access during the works.
Traffic control measures will be in place, and alternative access arrangements will be provided where needed. Crews will coordinate with residents to ensure minimal impact.
In case of emergency steel plates can be used over the driveway to allow for access during the works.
If you require urgent or special access, please contact the site team at community@ferrycarrig.com.au so they can make the necessary arrangements.
Yes, driveways will be temporarily restored with cold mix asphalt of electrical trench alignment, driveways will be fully restored during the main civil works package.
There will be some planned disruptions to services including, water, electrical and telecommunications for brief periods during the early works stage and main construction work.
Affected residents will be notified of the date and duration of any service interruptions by their service provider.
Service Outage: Electricity
Some temporary service disruptions will be necessary. You will be provided advance notice as per NSW regulations.
Outages are planned to be as short as possible. Details will be provided in advance
Yes, you will be notified approximately seven days prior to any outages via letter drops and/or direct communication.
If you experience an unexpected outage, please check with your service provider or contact the team for assistance. (Site Engineer Daniel Mc Elvaney: 0478 775 598)
There are no anticipated disruptions.
To facilitate this essential road connection and underground electrical conduits, some trees and vegetation will need to be removed.
To balance this, we will replant appropriate street trees for every tree that is removed. The Council has already started propagating trees and shrubs ahead of the project's completion, ensuring they’ll be ready for planting once the work is finished.
Trees and shrubs will be planted throughout the Tripoli Way Project, improving the landscaping and supporting local biodiversity for years to come.
Traffic control measures will be in place, and alternative access arrangements will be provided where needed. The contractor will coordinate with residents to ensure minimal impact.
In case of emergency steel road plates can be used to allow for access during the works.
Residents will be updated via letter drop of any traffic changes.
To help ensure the smooth progress of the works, please make sure the verge and nature strip area is clear. This includes removing any vehicles, trailers, containers, or boats that may be encroaching on the area.
Project FAQs
The primary objectives of the project are to:
- alleviate the impacts of traffic growth along Tongarra Road, Albion Park
- ease traffic congestion within the Albion Park Town Centre, leading to quicker and more reliable travel times
- safer roads throughout Albion Park
- provide a valuable addition to the local transport network.
The extension of Tripoli Way was identified by Council in 1961 as a long term strategic plan to manage our growing community. The project will reduce congestion on the Illawarra Highway through Albion Park, and has been identified in Council's Section 94 Contributions Plan since 1993.
Council engaged consultants, Cardno, in 2016, to help guide design and define project delivery and scope. In February 2020, Council endorsed community consultation to take place on the preferred alignment.
The Tripoli Way Extension is a separate project to the APRb. The physical works for the APRb will finish approximately 350 m north of the where the Tripoli Way Extension ties into Terry Street/Illawarra Highway. However, the design of the Tripoli way Extension has been developed with consideration of the broader traffic network, including the implications of the APRb on local and regional traffic.
The Tripoli Way Extension will improve connectivity with the APRb northbound entry and southbound exit ramps.
The total estimated cost of the project exceeds $40 million. Council has secured a significant portion of this funding from the NSW State Government, totaling $20.8 million.
- $16.6 million has been allocated from the NSW State Government's Accelerated Infrastructure Fund.
- An additional $4.2 million was announced in December 2023.
- The funding is further complemented by $200,000 from the Regional NSW Business Case and Strategy Fund.
Council will continue to seek additional funding opportunities to ensure the ongoing progress of the project.