Shellharbour Youth Plan

The Youth Plan (the plan) is a reflection of the needs, hopes and ambitions of Shellharbour’s young people. It is a whole community plan that aims to promote collective action from the entire Shellharbour community in response to priorities identified by young people.


  • Timeline item 1 - complete

    Youth and community engagement - Stage 1

    Council engaged over 400 people including more than 250 young people across Shellharbour City.

    Feedback has been used to develop the priorities, goals and actions in the draft Shellharbour Youth Plan.

  • Timeline item 2 - complete

    Making the plan

    Council took the information we heard from young people and the community to write and design the youth plan.

    The draft Youth Plan and a report will go to a Council meeting in October to be endorsed. When endorsed the plan will go on public exhibition for further community feedback.

  • Timeline item 3 - complete

    Tell us what you think

    This is known as the public exhibition period. This is your chance to provide feedback on the draft Youth Plan before it is put into action.

    At the Council Meeting on 16 October 2018, Council endorsed the draft Youth Plan to go on public exhibition from 24 October until 20 November.

    Submissions have now closed.

  • Timeline item 4 - incomplete

    Youth Plan in action

    Once the Youth Plan is finalised there will be many opportunities to contribute to achieving it's goals.

    The action plan sets out the long term goals and key partners that can work together to achieve them. The actions are stepping stones to reach the goals and anyone can contribute!

About the plan

The Shellharbour Youth Plan has a comprehensive action plan. The action plan identifies:

What young people want to see - PRIORITIES

How we get there - ACTIONS

Who will help do it - PARTNERS