The NSW State Government now require Councils to manage some reserves owned by State Government (the Crown). This means that Council is required to prepare Plans of Management (PoMs) for these reserves in Shellharbour.

Plans of Management (PoMs) are documents written for land that is managed by Council and classified as Community land.

Plans of Management:

  • identify the key values of the land and its purposes so they can be protected and enhanced.
  • outline how the reserve and its features, will generally be managed and maintained, it does not determine the specific work schedules (mowing, maintenance or upgrades); these are determined operationally by relevant staff.
  • aim to meet the ongoing needs of the local community.
  • Indicate how the land may be used or developed (eg. leases, licences and short term uses)

The information provided in plans of management is generally repetitive with some legal wording because they use text that is provided straight out of the NSW Local Government Act 1993 (the Act) and from a template provided by the NSW Department of Planning & Environment.

Crown land is land owned by the NSW State Government (the Crown), some of which is managed by Shellharbour City Council as Crown Land Manager, under the Crown Land Management Act 2016.

Crown reserves are land set aside on behalf of the community for a wide range of public purposes including environmental and heritage protection, recreation and sport, open space, community halls, special events and government services.

The Crown Land Management Act 2016 introduced legislation that requires Local Councils to manage some Crown reserved land as if it were public land under the Local Government Act 1993 (LG Act).

This means that Council is required to prepare plans of management for the Crown reserves.

You can find out more information from the NSW Government website about Crown Lands across NSW.

Council will be developing approximately 15 PoMs for Crown reserves in Shellharbour. This will be done in stages, you can find out information about the current draft PoMs and where they will be developed in the future by clicking on the buttons below.

No, these draft PoMs do not include development proposals, changes to current uses, or changes to general maintenance schedules of the reserve. Mowing, maintenance or upgrades schedules are determined by operational staff.

These draft PoMs outline how the reserve and its features will generally be managed and maintained.