The Harrison Park Draft Master Plan was adopted by Council after the public exhibition period ended in October 2021. Thanks to the submission during the public exhibition period we were able to hear what is important to the community. View the Master Plan below or on our website.
Master Plan Review
How we got here.
We listened to your feedback and ideas for Harrison Park and want to share with you the draft master plan.
In developing this Master Plan extensive community and stakeholder engagement was held. Workshops, direct stakeholder consultation and online feedback were all used to make sure your thoughts and feedback were received.
What does the draft Master Plan include?
- The park should have connection to the Civic Centre.
- The park should integrate and connect with the Youth Centre with a youth space.
- A new playground located in close proximity to the Youth Centre to compliment the youth space.
- Two picnic areas along the western side of Harrison Park as a way to activate and distribute activity throughout the park, and provide opportunities for visitors to the park to enjoy the area.
- A larger, informal gathering area near the north eastern corner of Harrison Park
- to activate the main circulation path of Harrison Park by providing fitness equipment areas that are suitable for both senior and younger uses.
- A large public art piece to be installed along the New Lake Entrance Road side of Harrison Park.
- Consolidate the entrance points to the car park as well as expand the car park to the west to provide additional spaces.
The Harrison Park Master Plan is now on Public Exhibition and we invite you to share your feedback.
Previous feedback
Harrison Park is located in Shellharbour City Centre. It fronts New Lake Entrance Road and includes a Memorial, Blackbutt Youth Centre and City Pond.
Next steps
Feedback has now closed. We thank all participants for sharing their ideas. We are now compiling feedback and will get back to you soon.