About the Project

We’re undertaking a regular review of floodplain management in our Local Government Area. Part of Council’s responsibilities is managing floodplains to ensure we all understand the city’s flood risks and can prepare for storm events.

The Lake Illawarra Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan aims to better understand flood behaviour within this area and its impacts in the Lake Illawarra Catchment. This informs ways Council can work collaboratively with key stakeholders to improve flood risk management.

This study includes communities in the Shellhabour City Council suburbs of Albion Park Rail, Oak Flats, Mount Warrigal and Lake Illawarra. The Lake Illawarra Catchment also includes Kemblawarra, Warrawong, Lake Heights, Berkeley, Kanahooka, Koonawarra, Yallah, Windang, and Primbee within the Wollongong Local Government area.

Shellharbour's management of Lake Illawarra

We do regular floodplain management planning as part of our process so that we have current information about our community. The last Floodplain Risk Management Study and Plan for this catchment was completed in 2012. Our forward planning helps us to understand the flood risk of specific areas, and to consider what measures to mitigate this risk might be required. For your property, this study means we can better plan and manage flood mitigation infrastructure and recommend improvements to evacuation routes.

We’re working with industry experts Rhelm Pty Ltd, who will carry out this study around the lake. As they collect data for the study, you may see surveyors in your area taking floor level surveys of properties over the next few months.

A floor level survey is a measurement to find out the height of the floor of a building compared to the ground level, which helps us understand how at risk the building might be during a flood.

We will not enter a property without permission being granted by the owner or occupier, but we are seeking assistance in allowing access to your property. These measurements are part of the data collection needed for the Study.

We’ve created a timeline for you so it helps to understand the stages of this project:

As shown we are only at the beginning of this project. The data collected now will inform our conversation with the community during the next stage. We estimate this stage to happen around mid to late 2025 and will ask for your experience with flooding at this time.

Council regularly conducts floodplain management across the Local government area to increase the safety of our residents.

Take a look at our floodplain management plans on the website here.

Or view the Flood Risk Management Study & Plan Let's Chat page for: