Are you up for the challenge? The new ninja park now open!

Fred Ball Park

Ninja Park style obstacle courses are designed to build strength, fitness, flexibility & agility - all while having plenty of fun!

Final design revealed


About the new play space

We have been working with CRS to incorporate all of the ideas and feedback that has been shared by the community!

Ninja Park style obstacle courses are designed to build strength, fitness, flexibility and agility while having plenty of fun.

Albion Park will now have one of its own while improving access, adding seating and retaining the existing fig trees.

The design of the play space will cater to a range of ages and abilities from the young to young at heart!

Some of the key features will include:

  • Balance beam duel
  • Slalom poles
  • Monkey bars
  • Commando net
  • Side steppers
  • Over and under hurdles
  • Warped wall
  • Cargo net wall
  • Soft fall
  • Footpath connectivity
Fred Ball Park

Fred Ball Park

Past feedback

Our vision for Fred Ball is to create a shared space that compliments the surrounding area and can be enjoyed by everyone. We would love to hear your thoughts! Some of the initial concepts that have been developed include a fitness themed play space or nature play space.

Where is Fred Ball Reserve?

Located on Franklin Place, Albion Park. There is an existing playground that will be removed as part of this project. The reserve has a well-established Fig Tree and on street parking.

What is a fitness play space?

Council has a number of fitness stations across the city. These include age friendly fitness equipment and more challenging ninja style activities. Recently, Council opened two very popular ninja style obstacle course at McDonald Park, Albion Park and Reddall Reserve, Lake Illawarra. The obstacle course has been designed to help adults and teenagers keep fit while having fun.

What is a nature play space?

Nature play space intentionally designed to integrate natural components into a place for structured and unstructured play and learning. You may have noticed some of these areas in our newest play spaces like at Ski Way Park, Oak Flats. At Ski Way Park, the nature play area includes man made equipment made from natural material that integrate into the natural environment.