What we heard!

See what we heard during the community consultation.

About the project

As part of the Shell Cove Project (a project agreed between Council and Frasers Property Australia under a development agreement), Sophia Park is proposed to be upgraded to a place to play, meet with friends and enjoy a family-friendly outdoor space.

Before the Shell Cove Project proceeds with this upgrade, we want to hear from you about what the space might look like and what your preferences are for the various elements to help us to create a space for everyone to enjoy, now and in the future!

About the location

Sophia Park sits on the edge of the Village and Shell Cove, providing a link between the two suburbs. This Park is a popular thoroughfare for pedestrians and cyclists. The Park currently consists of a large grassland area that houses a small swing set.

The location will cater for a range of uses with lots of different user groups;

  • Play space for different age groups
  • Active zone for multi-generational users
  • Community garden
  • Wetlands
  • Connective link - Footpaths and pedestrian bridge from Shell Cove to the Village.

How was the concept plan created?

In 2017, DA approval was given for the below design, with a focus on passive and environmental design with a small playground space and useable community space.

Image: Concept Plan - DA Approved 2017

Since this approval, stormwater technology has improved resulting in a “rethink’ and redesign for Sophia Park (updated concept design below). The improved layout of the wetlands has allowed for an opportunity to increase usable community passive and active space. A proposed DA modification will provide and address these issues (subject to DA process)

Image: Proposed DA

modification 2023


Frasers Propert Group and Council will work together in keeping the community updated, via Let's Chat, social media, letterbox drop and signboards/notices on site.

Following the planning approval process, a tender assessment will be undertaken for the construction phase.

Construction is expected to commence in 2024 pending approvals.

As part of the Shell Cove Project, three more playgrounds are being prepared for construction. The first of which is Sophia park.

The play space upgrades are planned to be delivered in consultation with the community and aim to provide people of different ages and abilities with fun, creative and engaging play experiences.

Yes, here is a plan for the proposed footpath network for Sophia Park.

This map demonstrates the important role Sophia Park is currently playing and will continue to play in providing active transport routes (ie pedestrian/cycleways) between the Village and Shell Cove.

A pedestrian bridge will also be installed linking Sophia Street in the Village to Whimbrel Terrace in Shell Cove.

Consultation will continue as Council and Frasers discuss with both the Shell Cove Community Garden representatives and the broader community.

Past feedback