
Cultural and Heritage Assessment progresses

13 December 2021

The proposed play space at Reddall Reserve has been on hold while extensive cultural and heritage studies are undertaken. Council has appointed Austral Archaeology to prepare an Aboriginal Cultural Assessment and Aboriginal Heritage Impact Permit (AHIP). To date stages 1-4 of the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Assessment are complete.

The application process is very lengthy and has taken 12 months to complete these stages. We have received approval from the Office of Environment and Heritage on 2 December 2021 to undertake ‘test pit’ investigations on the playground site (2) as well as two other areas, being the proposed promenade (1) and car park sites (3). Please refer to the site plan below.

The test investigations have commenced on site this week and are anticipated to be completed by Friday 17 December 2021. This process forms an integral part of the AHIP assessment.

Test pit sites