
Updates after the first phase of consultation

31 October 2021

Recently we asked residents and stakeholders for feedback on the proposed upgrades to Terry Street. Over 80% of respondents supported road safety improvements for Terry Street, but, there were some ideas on how we could further improve and refine this design. We have made changes to the design and included most of these suggestions. Check out the table below to find out how your feedback has been included:

Table of changes:

You asked for:
We responded with:
The turn restrictions at Hughes Drive was not supported.All turn restrictions at Hughes Drive have been removed from the revised concept plan.
Preference for the installation of a roundabout at the T-intersection of Hughes Drive/Terry StreetA roundabout at the intersection of Hughes Drive/Terry Street has been included within the revised concept plan.
Better access to driveways near new crossing facilities.One crossing point (north of Wiley Street) has been removed and the pedestrian refuge (outside 161 Terry Street) has been relocated from the revised concept plan to reduce impacts to driveway access.
Restricted on-street parking not supported and request for additional parkingOn-street parking restrictions have been revised and Wiley Street has been converted to a one-way street to increase parking provisions in the area. Quantity of spaces to be determined during the detailed design phase.
Control of cars in and out of Terry Street shops car parkLinemarking and proposed one-direction traffic flow has been proposed at this location.