
Notice of PoM on Public Exhibition

27 May 2024

Our draft Plan of Management for Reddall Reserve, Pelican View Reserve, Picnic Island, Werrang Island, Berageree Island, Graham Park Reserve, Woodford Park and Mrs Halls Park, Lake Illawarra, will be on Public Exhibition from Monday 27 May until Sunday 23 June 2024.

The draft Plan of Management outlines how the reserves and their features will generally be managed and maintained. We know this is an important community space, and the PoM seeks to protect this community use.

This draft Plan of Management was prepared as a result of amendments to the Crown Land Management Act 2016 which require Councils to manage Crown Reserves as public land under the Local Government Act 1993. The draft Plan does not include any development proposals, changes to current uses, or changes to general maintenance schedules of the site.

Take a look at the draft and then make a submission to have your say.